Become a Member of WSRC

Membership dues are for the period of the calendar year (January 1 through December 31). Dues paid from October 1 to December 31 are valid for the following year.


Dues are $20 the first year (includes name badge). Then $10 per year per adult thereafter. Juniors are $3 per year.


Membership includes subscription to "Petroglyphs" and the "Northwest Federation of Mineral Societies Newsletter." 


Enjoy the benefits of membership with education, comradery, and information about rockhounding and the lapidary arts including: 

  • Club and area sponsored field trips
  • Our monthly newsletter
  • Our summer picnic and holiday event
  • Friends to rockhound with and discuss your finds
  • Education and training on creating gems from your material

Member Applications: Our by-laws require a person to attend a meeting before applying. An application can be picked up at a meeting that you are attending.